

Today I won't write about clothes, but about fashion.
Fashion is what you want it to be. If you want fashion to be sweatpants and baggy tops, it is. If you want fashion to be colourful maxidresses, it is. If you want fashion to be mini skirts and tiny tops, it is. You decide what is fashion for you.

Fashion for me is making ugly clothes beautiful by mixing it right.
Fashion for me is extraordinary patterns on the most boring clothes.
Fashion for me is mixing clothes that is not in the same style at all, and making that terrific.

My fashion world

Pastell, aztec pattern, sparkly, accessories, studs, flower, lace is just some of many that's in my fashion world.
In my fashion world there's no such thing as ugly clothes. Just clothes that are misunderstood, or with the wrong accessories. But there is something called ugly outfits. Ugly outfits are - in my brain - such as a blue shapeless tunic with neon green pants and no accessories. That outfit might be cool with a thin green belly belt, many silver bracelets, all in different shapes and a silver necklace with a heart or something.
In my fashion world sweatpants are hot, and so are knitted big sweaters. Sexy clothes are maxi dresses and covering jackets.
I love quotes and pictures on t-skirts. A picture of London, New York or Ålesund, I would wear it. Love quotes, life quotes or just the text "New York" on t-skirts or sweaters, I would wear. And I absolutely lovelovelove aztec patterns. It is so stylish and fresh. in the fall 2012 there will definitely be much aztec.
In my fashion world everyone has their own style, and there are no such thing as ugly styles. Your style says who you are, and there are no such thing as ugly personalities or ugly people. You are who you are.

This is fashion for me:

Q: What is fashion for you?

xoxo, Malene


  1. Secret cupcake12/8/12 00:29

    I love this! Beautiful pictures

    1. You are so cute, secret cupcake! Are you that pretty girl from Isfjorden?

