
Transparent Clothes

Transparent clothes have become popular this year. Not because it is so cool showing your skin, but because girls really love showing their off their body. If you're wearing a oversized top, you will look bigger then you are, but if it's transparent, people will see your shape. And you will not have to wear skinny uncomfortable clothes to look thin. When you are for example wearing a transparent top or shirt, wear a tube bra, not a normal bra because it looks a bit slutty. Here are some transparent clothes:

This top in mint with collar is sweet. It is in three more colours: peach, white and offwhite. This top is great with a tight skirt for dresses-up occasion or just with some jeans for regular school days. I would wear a white tube bra under for a smoth and pure style. I would also add some decorations at the collar for more attention at the top and to make it not so plain.

This is a black shirt with studs at the collar and open shoulders. It is pretty ungirly, if you ask me, and it is kinda confident, which is good. I would wear a coloured tube bra under this shirt because I think it needs a bit colour in it. And with a coloured tube, I would also wear some coloured jeans for the creative-but-still-plain-look. For the black-and-mysterious-look I would wear a black tube bra and some denim jeans - dark, of course - or just black, burgundy or grey. 

This is a pretty cool top that's pretty plain at the front and with a transparent part at the back. The transparency part in the back is shaped like a T and that is no apparent reason, it is cool and that's it. Wearing a regular bra will just ruin the greatness with this top, and wearing a tube bra will look kinda weird, so I would wear one of these.

Finally a shirt that is not so plain and boring. There are so many of those shirts, they are in almost every clothing store. But this shirt is transparent from the neck to the belly and down from there it is covering. The big pockets makes this shirt chill. I would not add decorations at this collar because that would ruin the whole chill-I-don't-care-look. I would wear some black pantyhose with it. And some converse. When it comes to accessories I wouldn't go overboard. I wouldn't wear a necklace, but I would wear some small pearl earrings and a pair of bracelets. My hair, I would make a chill dot for the complete I-did-not-spend-hours-trying-to-find-out-what-to-wear-look.

So this week has been troubled when it comes to school and my personal life, so I haven't been super great at updating, but from tonight, I will get back on track.

xoxo, Malene

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