
Fashion Tips

Here are some fashion tips, from me and from a fashion site:

When your clothes are too dresses-up for the occasion, just wear some converse, then it will be a perfect match.

 A knitted sweater would rock a sweet light dress. It would pimp up the entire outfit.

 High waists are for you with long legs stomachs. But boys don't like them, so watch out.

 Outfits that's all light will make your personality look uncreative because of the zero contrast.

 Bootcut jeans are great for you with pear shaped body, because then your legs will look longer and your hips and thigh nicer.

 When wearing a lace top, it's best to throw a solid color camisole or tank underneath. Not everyone can pull off the "exposed bra" look.

 If you want a sweet look, but don't want to wear creamy and light colour, wear lace.

 If your legs are long and your stomach short, wear parkas for your stomach to look longer.

 If you are broad-shouldered, don't wear tops without arms, they will just make you look bigger than you are.

 One of the trendiest accessories right now are colorful, big earrings. Remember to keep the accessories to a 
minimum when wearing them.

 The biggest mistake in creating the perfect look can be choosing the wrong shoe.

 If you choose to wear leggings, please be sure your shirt/top covers your bits and pieces. Nobody wants to see it and it's not a good look.

 When it comes to cropped pants, wide leg openings make your legs look shorter. Try to keep the pants slim for a leg lengthening effect.

 Your bottom and hips will always look thinner when you are dressed in a solid color (and it doesn't always have to be black).

xoxo, Malene

