

Peplum is ultimate for you who want to have shapes. By wearing peplum you achieve the narrow-waist-broad-hips-look. Here are some different peplumclothings:

This peplumtop from Bik Bok with cut-out-back is pretty fine, because the balance between the basic front and the bandagelooking back, really works. Works great with some skinnyjeans, eather some basic denim ones, or some coloured ones. I would definitely wear them with coloured jeans, that would look so fresh.

This top from Bik Bok is chic with it's mix of bandeau and peplum. It gives it extra shape. Bandeautops are unfortunately hard to wear, I mean, with them always sliding down, so just be aware of not buying too big. I would wear the patterned ones with basic black skinnyjeans, but the plain ones I would wear with coloured jeans, like I would with the ones over.

This is a love-hate dress. Either you like the lace between the breasts and the peplum or you don't care for it. I like it, I think it pimps up the whole dress. This dress is great for summercocktailparties.

Oh I love the back of this dress. It's so beautiful and elegant. This is pretty alike the one over, with the mix of peplum and lace. The summercoloured ones I would definitely wear to more formal bbqs. Perfect for summer.

What you see here, is two variants of a dress; a short, teenagely one and a classy, womanly one. If the peplum hadn't been longer on the back, I think this dress would be too straight and boring. It's these little things.

xoxo, Malene

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