

Jeans are pretty hard to choose. It's all up to how tall, short, wide or narrow you are. And how your thighs are compared to your calves. For some people, boot-cut are the right choice  and for others (like me) skinny-jeans with stretch all the way are the right choice. It's all up to your figure.
I just have to say that DR DENIM-jeans are great. They are stretchy and so comfortable. I hate it when the jeans just feel like they just do not fit and like they just are there. We all want that "OMG" feeling when putting on a pair of jeans. I got that with DR DENIMs.

DR DENIM - Kissy Denim Leggings. 
Obviously, these jeans does not look as good on me as on the models, but it is not so far away. Because of the elastic fabric, these jeans are great. They are not as long at the leggings that it's a pile of fabric. No, this is perfectly made. Well, maybe not all perfectly for people with long legs (like me), because they are kind of short. But except from that, they are great. You may now think "oh, they must be so expensive". But think again, because they are as cheap as:

Pepe Jeans - Quayle Jeans
First, I just have to say that this model is rocking these bootcuts! I honestly have to say that if you don't have the legs for it, do not wear bootcuts. Either you are wow-ing in them, or it is simply dreadful. Pardon the harsh way of saying it, but girls who look dreadful in bootcuts, you have to realise it someday. Anyway, these are nice, but unfortunately not so cheap:

xoxo, Malene

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